« Nous serrons de retour en mai et nous commencerons à travailler sur de nouveaux sons. "Managed to get a mid-take selfie." (5th October 2014 Dom's Instagram)

Themes include mind control, revolution, love (or lack thereof), militarisation, governments and more. "She's served me well!" "The guitar amp is in another room." (5th October 2014 Muse's Instagram click Take 7 coming up." Amorçant un retour aux sources très rock'n'roll, le groupe britannique parvient-il à taper dans le mille ? Ca fait du bien d’entendre Matt a cappella, lui qui refuse toujours de chanter sans musique.Ġ1. For more details about the Drones World tour, see "The set up has started!" Singer Matt Bellamy said if there was one take-home message for listeners it would be:The power of an individual can overcome a complex system, a corrupt corporation, a corrupt government or technology as a whole stripping out humanity That there’s something inside of us that can overcome that, even just in one person"The first song is about a person that loses hope and kind of becomes vulnerable to the darker forces and drawn into military brainwashing, and then on songs after that, just sort of battling the dark forces that are trying to control our minds and everything…Then eventually you get to songs like “Revolt” and “Defector” where the person fights back and really takes control of themselves, then “Aftermath” is a kind of rekindling with love type of situation.This album won a Grammy at The 58th Grammy Awards for "Working on a bass solo" (7th October 2014 Muse's Instagram) "Also for Matt 'drones' it's a modern metaphor about losing empathy and not care about what happens around the worldOn February 7th, 2015, photographer, illustrator and film director He finished his work in the beginning of March 2015, when he posted a On 11th March, Muse confirmed the album cover by posting it on Instagram. Donc voilà, Muse je vous en veux.Drones : Alors celle là ma foi je ne sais toujours pas quoi en penser. 2/5 pour la note.ALors voilà au risque de me faire lincher, j’ai trouvé dans un morceau de l’album notamment repears une forte ressemblance avec Rage against the machine, ce qui m’a un peu déçu. "According to Matt, the second story is made by another man, who just like "Mary" becomes Dead Inside and defects but instead of going through a internal journey of darkness and solving that and come back to discover love, he decides to become a dictator, a power hungry maniac to inflict his pain to the rest to the world. You can see that on his During March of 2015, Muse took over the spaces of According to Matt Bellamy, ‘Drones’ is a conceptual album which explores the journey of a human, from his abandonment and loss of hope, to his indoctrination by the system to be a human drone and eventually defection from his oppressors. C’est durant ce mois-là que Muse est allé à Milan en Italie Matt Mahurin, l’artiste qui a réalisé l’artwork du prochain album de Muse, Drones, a écrit un article pour « Etre mis en confiance par Muse pour soutenir visuellement leur musique ainsi que leur message fut une expérience palpitante et épanouissante. It was assumed recording had begun at AIR studios in Hampstead, London, however it was later confirmed by that they were only rehearsing, not recording. Une bonnce chanson.Drones 1/5 Le concept de cette chason est intéressant, après tout pourquoi pas faire une chanson uniquement avec des voix qui font penser à un choeur d’église, mais elle échoue totalement à finir l’album.

The protagonist of the story is a woman called "Mary", Matt said: "I think women have a much harder time in the world.